Monday, June 15, 2020

Maple Leaf Monday!

I LOVE this guy's face and it made me laugh, so I had to share him with you! 😂 Can you believe we only have 2 weeks of school left? What a strange Spring it has been! 
Because we are getting closer to July 1st and that's CANADA DAY, I thought we should focus this week on learning more about the country in which we live. It's going to be 
                  CANADA WEEK!
Before we begin our new stuff on Canada...Don't forget to do your list of ANTONYMS (opposites) for tomorrow's Zoom!!
Our reading and writing this week will be about our amazing country (and we'll even review some Canadian money math). To get you in the mood, here is a little video about Canada. Boy, we live in a beautiful part of the world! 💖


READING - Here are some Canadian authors. This week, try reading one of these books or one of their other stories. Check on Scholastic Read at Home, Epic Books or on your own book shelves.


*Robert Munsch 
*Phoebe Gilman 
*Melanie Watt
*Dennis Lee
*Mordecai Richler
*Barbara Reid
*Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda Clark

WRITING - in your notebook, make a list of 20+ Canadian things or famous people that you know of. Remember that people's names need to start with capital letters.  

You can get ideas from your own brain, from family members, from videos you have watched or books you have read.


MATH - here are your practice sheets with a review of counting Canadian money.

Remember... always start with the coins that are worth the most:  count the toonies ( $2.00) and loonies ($1.00) first. Then put the . between the dollars and cents. 

Next count the quarters (25¢), then dimes (10¢)and then nickels (5¢) no matter what order the coins are shown.



1. What Canadian province has a town called Saint-Louis-Du-Ha-Ha?

2. In which province is Youbou?

3. In what province is Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump

Topic: Monday Canada KAHOOT Zoom
Time: Jun 15, 2020 10:00 AM Vancouver

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