Monday, April 6, 2020


We're officially launched on ZOOM! I loved seeing so many of your smiling faces today and hearing a bit about what you've been doing. Still 2 more ZOOMS this afternoon ... I can't wait!
I'm glad that most of you have logged into Prodigy Math, Get Epic books and Typing Pal. Have fun exploring and don't worry if some of the Math is hard. Just do your best and do some review and practice of things we've learned already.

Remember that Mystery Doug is LIVE tomorrow morning at 10:00 so try to check it out if you can!

I said last Friday that starting today I would give some little work jobs to start doing. Here are the first tasks.
Let’s Get Buzzy!
            April 6, 2020             




Read out loud to an adult for at least 15 minutes and then re-tell them (in your own words) about what you read.

You can also read for your own pleasure as much as you like! 


Create a poster or drawing for your window or front door. Include a message of hope or a thank you to all the essential workers (*ask parents if you don't know who they are).


Remove the face cards (Ks. Qs. Js) from a deck of cards and lay the rest on the table in rows  (ACES = 1). Remove sets (pairs, threes, fours) of cards that add up to 10, try to remove all the cards from the table.  See how many cards are left that can't be used.  Try the game one more time and try to have fewer cards left.


Log into Mystery Science (the link is on the top right of the Blog under Learning Links).
Check out a mini lesson of your choice.

Do something ACTIVE! Dance, kick or throw a ball with someone, have a pillow fight, make an Obstacle Course, ride your bike, go for a walk... just get your body moving! I'm going for a LONG WALK after my last ZOOM meeting is done today!
I'm the Beattie Facebook Page STORY TIME person tonight! Come and listen around 7:00-7:15.


  1. What is the class link for epic books please? Or do they have their own personal links?

    1. Hi!
      The link for Epic books can be found under 'Learning Links' on the right-hand side of the blog along with other sites! Here is the link just in case and the class code is cyr4577.
